I remember as a child, growing up in a preacher's home, the numerous preachers we had come through.
From way back then, I was taught to love and respect the ministry. It was instilled in me at a very early age.
I use to love sitting there listening to the stories they would tell from their years in the ministry! It was always so exciting to have them come over!
Then, I got to an age where I got to go to camp. At camp, there were lots of ministers there. My favorite thing to do at camp was to get to wait on their tables, making sure they had plenty to eat and drink! It never got old.
Now, I am older and don't get to go to many camps or meetings anymore, but we get to have preachers and their wives to come here. I still get to serve them in some small way.
While, I may not get to serve the ministry as much as I use to, I want to instill that same love and respect for the ministry into my daughter. That way, when she gets older and gets to go to camps and meetings of the same, she will want to serve the ministry in the same way.
I am thankful for Men of God in my life!
Being raised is an Apostolic minister's home was and will always be very special to me. The ministry will point mine and my family's souls toward Calvary. Helping me and them to be saved.
Thank you, Men of God, for preaching, teaching and pointing me in the right direction!
I do apologize for my inadequate way of describing my love of the Apostolic Ministry.