15 years ago, this month, my family moved to Belize. 15 years ago, I put less than half my heart into making "me" work on being a missionary. 15 years ago, my brother put his whole heart into this. Mark instantly fell in love with the country, the people, the work, while I, on the other hand, just did what I had to do. I sat on a bench, backslid, yet being a big hypocrite acting like nothing was wrong, but dying on the inside in a place I HATED! Just trying to make it to the 1 year mark my dad had promised me. Promising me that after a year, if I wanted to go back "home," he would let me. Slowly, but surely, God placed a love in my heart for the people, for this place I call home.
Forget about me, let's go back to my brother, a hero to me. My brother got in here at the tender age of 16 and gave it his all. Getting up in the wee hours of the morning to go work on the church on the off nights, which were few and far between. We'd get to church in time to set out the equipment, seats and anything else that needed doing. He'd get it done, to only pack it away a few hours later, getting home late at night. We were lucky if we made it home without a flat tire. Flat tires were a common occurrence that mark and dad would fix. Here we are, 15 years later, and my brother is still going strong. Mostly behind the scenes, making sure things are running smoothly. No, he's hardly ever in the spotlight, but that doesn't make him any less, nor what he does any less for the kingdom of God. Mark T. Joiner II, I don't say it enough, but I appreciate you and all you do for God and to help with things around here. I love you and want to say thank you for giving sacrificially of yourself so many times over the years. Many times without recognition. Although you may feel it goes unnoticed, note that I see it, I admire you and I really appreciate it. I love you!
Viviendo La Vida Loca!!!
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Sunday, May 10, 2015
The Cry of a Music Leader!

When you're called to lead and do it with your whole heart, you're happy and you do it with gladness, because you're called!
What makes one sad is, while leading, you see the needs of everyone else. The desperation of those wanting a touch from God, but not knowing exactly how to get it. You see your more seasoned saints, who should know, "watch and pray," staying to themselves, rather than going to pray with someone that needs it.
The cry of of a leader is, God, when are You going to send help? It's been so long and we want to be helping in the altars, but need the younger, or older to get it for themselves and help out!
The cry, can't you see those behind you, with just a simple twist of your head, needing someone to help them reach the next level with God?
When will the younger generation see the need that the older generation needs help and just get in there and do it?
Did we lose something along the way? Is it just me?
My cry, I need help!!! Help with music, help with singing, help with altar work!
When will you step up and help your leader?
Am I the only one that feels this way? Is there other parts of the ministry that feel this same way?
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Me and Dayana tonight after church! |
No, not ashamed that she had come, but ashamed of the fact that it is because of my 4 year old daughter that she was there and not because of me.
You see, Josey, my 4 year old, has been the one inviting Dayana’s son, Denziel, Josey’s classmate, to church.
Denziel & Josey tonight after church! |
There is no excuse for me not inviting Dayana, only shame because it was my 4 year old daughter inviting them and not me. I am hoping I can learn from her childlike exuberance. Learn to get out of my comfort zone. Become more like her, like a child in my manner of having no shame.
Why has it taken me so long to see this? I don’t know. But I do know that if I could have more of a childlike faith, or become more like my 4 year old, I could invite more people to church.
Ms. Andrea, Dayana's daughter, at church tonight! |
My prayer is for God to make me more like Josey.
Maybe then I won’t be ashamed.
Ashamed that I did not ask first. Ashamed because a 4 year old beat me, a 29 year old, at inviting others to church.
Has your child ever put you to shame in a situation similar to this? Would you be willing to share a time of when you were ashamed?
I love to hear from my viewers/readers and your feedback is appreciated!
Luke 9:26 King James Version (KJV)
26 For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed…
"Don't Worry, Be Happy"
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Moms! Help, Support and Encourage One Another!
We, as moms (Madres), should help, support and encourage one another in all stages of our lives.
We, on a daily basis, get up, get dressed, get kids fed, get the hubby fed and off to work, get the children ready for school, send them off, or bring them, or even homeschool them. We then get back into the daily routine of fixing lunch and supper, cleaning house, maybe even have a job to go to. And then the next day arrives and you do everything exactly the same, all over again.
We, on a daily basis, get up, get dressed, get kids fed, get the hubby fed and off to work, get the children ready for school, send them off, or bring them, or even homeschool them. We then get back into the daily routine of fixing lunch and supper, cleaning house, maybe even have a job to go to. And then the next day arrives and you do everything exactly the same, all over again.
I'm not saying any of this is wrong, or if there is a right/wrong way to do things. Nor am I saying that being a stay at home wife and mommy is bad. I don't want you to feel as if I am saying that at all.
You wonder, can I do something different? Is there anything that can be done? Why am I stuck in a rut?
Can I ask you a question? Did you pray? Did you ask God to help you get through the same things you did yesterday, today?
Remember, when you got married, you had all these plans and dreams to do something? Maybe something different than what you are doing now?
Maybe, just maybe, life has a different perspective than we, as humans do.
I mean, seriously, who would've thought 5 years ago, I'd be married now, with 1 child about to start pre-k? Do I regret getting married and having a child so soon? No, I got married, knowing down the road I wanted a child. So soon? No, but life changed and with it, so did I. There were some medical issues going on with a family member and because I wanted that person to meet at least 1 of my children, we went ahead and tried and God blessed us. Do I begrudge it? No, I realize that we all have to grow up sometime and I did the day I chose to get married.
I'm not trying to say you have to give up on your dreams, just that you can still fulfill those dreams if you look at life a little differently.
Here I am, 29 years old, married, with a child about to start school. So, you know what I'm gonna do? Get my hubby off to work. While my child is in school, work on completing my education in the travel field. Grow my Plexus business. Start another education course in Business and try to complete it. Work my job and try to help be the best partner I can be in a new business venture.
You say, "all of that?!" Yes! You can too. Just reflect back on those dreams you had all those years ago and be determined now, more than ever, I'm gonna fulfill my dreams!
You wonder, can I do something different? Is there anything that can be done? Why am I stuck in a rut?
Can I ask you a question? Did you pray? Did you ask God to help you get through the same things you did yesterday, today?
Remember, when you got married, you had all these plans and dreams to do something? Maybe something different than what you are doing now?
Maybe, just maybe, life has a different perspective than we, as humans do.
I mean, seriously, who would've thought 5 years ago, I'd be married now, with 1 child about to start pre-k? Do I regret getting married and having a child so soon? No, I got married, knowing down the road I wanted a child. So soon? No, but life changed and with it, so did I. There were some medical issues going on with a family member and because I wanted that person to meet at least 1 of my children, we went ahead and tried and God blessed us. Do I begrudge it? No, I realize that we all have to grow up sometime and I did the day I chose to get married.
I'm not trying to say you have to give up on your dreams, just that you can still fulfill those dreams if you look at life a little differently.
Here I am, 29 years old, married, with a child about to start school. So, you know what I'm gonna do? Get my hubby off to work. While my child is in school, work on completing my education in the travel field. Grow my Plexus business. Start another education course in Business and try to complete it. Work my job and try to help be the best partner I can be in a new business venture.
You say, "all of that?!" Yes! You can too. Just reflect back on those dreams you had all those years ago and be determined now, more than ever, I'm gonna fulfill my dreams!
Successful mothers are not the ones who have never struggled .They are the ones who never give up,despite the struggles . Sharon Jaynes
"Don't Worry, Be Happy"
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Some Of My Favorite's
When I came to Belize, I gave up a lot of different things, not that I'm complaining. Now, when I go to the US, I get me those things. I will share with you below, some of my favorite's. Also, listed below are some stuff, people, etc. that I have around me, that are my favorite's.
1. God is number 1!
2. My family - I have the best, in my opinion!
A husband that supports me in all that I do. Loves me for who I am, even my flaws. Laughs with me, wipes my tears. Encourages me to succeed, to get back up when I fail.
Then, God gave me an angel, my daughter, that makes me smile, is sensitive, has a tender heart, cries when I am sick, wanting me better soon. If I feel my day is spiraling downwards, all she has to do is giggle, tell me she loves me, hug me, kiss me, sing, whatever, and I am smiling and climbing uphill again.
3. Cinnabon - The huge roll with extra cream! I can't get them here. boohoo
4. Starbucks - The vanilla latte or caramel macchiatta (sp?)
5. Tender Steaks - That's one of the first things I get when I go back!
6. Dr. Pepper - Every now and then we get them here, so that's not a big deal.
7. Coke Icee
8. Musicals - Love going to them!
9. Books - We have a library now, so that will get better.
10. Fresh flowers - We have a florist here now. Yay!! I'd share the link, but wouldn't want you to think that I'm hinting. hehe
11. Snail Mail - It's kind of a thing of the past now, but still enjoyable to get, especially when you aren't expecting it. I do remember when we first came here, it was a common occurrence to get mail.
12. Apple products - Apple EVERYTHING! I am Applestolic, you know! lol
13. Road trips - Here, there, everywhere! I enjoy going back to the US and getting to see family and friends!
14. Singing
15. Drawing and painting - I am not a great artist, but do enjoy trying my hand at it.
16. Travel - I am interested in all kinds of travel! When you love doing it, do what you love! I am a travel agent.
17. Beef Jerky - <3
18. Missionaries
19. Facebook - You say, really? I say, yes! What happened is, as mentioned above, snail mail and phones were the only ways to keep in touch when I came here. Calls were expensive, just ask Emily Kate Rolen! As technology has improved, internet has come in and now I can stay in touch with family and friends from all over the world!
20. Kids - As a child, even up to now, I always had children around me. I would make them smile with whatever antics I could come up with. Which reminds me of an instance from a few weeks ago, I was standing, talking to a couple of ladies, when a child came up to us, I immediately changed voices and said something to the child, making him smile! The girl said, how do you do that? I said what, not realizing what I had done. I had made the child smile and his parent, who was standing there and watched the whole exchange.
What about you? Are any of the above mentioned favorites of mine, some of yours too? Please feel free to share your favorite's.
Oh, one other favorite, I LOVE hearing from YOU!
“We don't need to have just one favorite. We keep adding favorites. Our favorite book is always the book that speaks most directly to us at a particular stage in our lives. And our lives change. We have other favorites that give us what we most need at that particular time. But we never lose the old favorites. They're always with us. We just sort of accumulate them.” ― Lloyd Alexander
"Don't Worry, Be Happy"
Monday, March 17, 2014
Running From The Call
Running from the call can be and is one of the most terrifying times in one's life.
Let me tell you a story from about 16 years ago.
In 1998, my parents visited Belize, Central America. While there, The Lord placed a burden for the country on my dad's heart. Dad returned from Belize and it weighed heavily upon him, but he chose to ignore it and run as far away from it as he could. Running away from what God had called him to do.
To this day, I can still remember, vividly, some of the events leading up to our coming to Belize. The one I am about to share with you, is the most vivid one.
In June of 1999, my brother, Mark, was on his way home from youth camp, after dropping off a young man. It had been raining and the truck my brother was driving veered onto the soft shoulder of the road. Mark over corrected the vehicle, sending him into the oncoming curve, spinning and flipping his truck!
It was then we received a phone call, a hysterical woman on the other end, screaming into the phone, "Come quick, your son has been in a terrible accident!"
My dad took off in the only other vehicle we had, trying to get to my brother as fast as he could. Not even a half mile up the road, the vehicle slung a rod, rendering us without a vehicle. By this time, it has started raining again and my dad has taken off running down the road. Mind you, running in the pouring down rain, headed 30 miles away to get where Mark is. Not knowing whether my brother is dead or alive.
He began to try and hitch a ride. Along came an old man, in an an equally old pickup truck, who have dad a ride. He drove S...L...O...W...L...Y...
While this gentleman drove, dad began to pray in earnest, in the back of this old pickup truck. Dad had realized it was time to stop running from the call God had placed on his life. He was ready to accept what God would have him to do. He was begging God to let Mark be ok. Realizing we were at the bottom and the only way to get back up was to stop running from the call.
When finally they had reached the scene of the accident, which was a site to behold. The truck was within a car's length of slamming into a huge tree and the truck was upside down. Dad jumped from the vehicle to find my brother being embraced by a neighboring pastor, not a scratch on his body. God had kept His hand upon him.
From 06-1999 until 01-2001, we gathered what was necessary for us to to leave our homeland and become missionaries.
If you were to visit here today, almost 16 years later, you would find a beautiful headquarters church, located in Guinea Grass Village and several other beautiful churches and preaching points, in various Villages and Districts. All blessed and working together to win souls. Flourishing, because one man decided to stop, "Running from the Call!"
Have you ever ran from God's calling?
Did you ever hit bottom, only to realize why, then get back to His calling?
Please feel free to share your story below.
"Remind me Lord You called me, so that I may never run from the call." Sang by Mike Bowling
Jeremiah 1:5 (ESV) "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations."
Jeremiah 1:5 (ESV) "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations."
"Don't Worry, Be Happy"
Monday, January 13, 2014
Cultures and the Way of Life in Belize
We have
so many different cultures and ways of life here, I don't know where to
![]() |
Mennonite's Out Shopping |
LANGUAGE: The primary language of Belize is,
English. We also have Spanish, K'ekchi", Mopan Maya, Creole (Kriol), High
and Low German, Garifuna, Chinese and various other languages. They also speak
Kitchen Spanish, or what is better known as, Spanglish. It is a mixture of
Spanish and English/Kriol.
HOMES: In our village, Guinea Grass, you
will see homes built like a shanty with wood and cement homes that are being
built by family, living in the US. These cement homes are only built as the
money is sent here. Therefore, you well see rebar sticking out of a second or
third story. You may also see homes built out of a material, kind of like
bamboo. It's called pimienta, with a thatch or metal roof. Most have outdoor
In the
Mennonite villages, you will see the old order homes built by them out of a
cement form that looks like brick, or homes of metal siding. They have no

All of
these cultures of people build an out door kitchen. They will build a fire,
with blocks around it for placing their pots on. This is called a Fire Heart,
or in Kriol, "Fiya Haat."
The main
towns will have a mixture of these homes, with your well to do people living in
nicer homes, most of the time. Their homes would be more than 1 bedroom and
include an indoor bathroom.
ENTERTAINMENT: The children in our village love
to play marbles, soccer, jacks, jump rope, and a game where they'll take a
bouncy ball, throw it against a wall, clap once, catch it, then adding more
number of claps until they can't catch it anymore. Not sure what you call it
though. :)
Mennonite children's toys, bikes and games would be built by them.
FOOD: Depending on who's home you
are in, the meals will vary. Belizeans eat a wide
variety of foods. You will often find homemade flour tortillas,
johnny cakes, or fry jacks. These are generally served with beans. Also for
breakfast, you will usually see street vendors selling empanades,
(fried maize (corn) shells with beans, fish, chicken, or beef) tacos and meat
For the midday meals, you'll usually
find, beans and rice,
or rice and beans (cooked together), with or without coconut
milk, tamales, escabeche (onion soup), chilmole (black soup made
with black recado), stew chicken and various dinners featuring some type of
rice and beans, meat and salad or coleslaw.
On the weekends, at night, you'll usually find
a street vendor selling garnaches, (fried corn tortillas with
beans, cheese, and cabbage sauce) burritos, or tostadas.
In the rural areas, meals are generally
less extravagant; the Maya use recado, chicken soup and corn or maize for
most of their meals.)
I have heard that the Garifuna are fond of fish
and other seafood, cassava (particularly
made into hudut) and vegetables. I wouldn't know, I have yet to try it.
At 11:30AM, up until 12PM, you will find that
the children leave school to go home and eat lunch, then back to school for
1PM. Some businesses close at midday for lunch, reopening later in the

We live
in a village 8 miles from a main town. Those 8 miles feel long though. Our
roads are not paved and our vehicles tear up pretty easily.
Buses are a common
means of transport. Each bus would have their fee to transport the person to their
destination. Bikes are the most common. Cyclers have the right of way. We also
have taxi's and private transportation as well.

Our daily
lives seem normal to us and to me there is nothing "exciting" to
share, but if you have questions about it, I would gladly answer them.
Right now,
I can't think of anything else, but seriously, if you have ANY questions,
please feel free to ask and I will answer them to the best of my ability. God
bless you all and thanks so much for the prayers throughout the years.
Check out our church website: www.apcbelize.com
“It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength.” ― Maya Angelou
"Don't Worry, Be Happy"
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Worship (AdoraciĆ³n)

A few years ago, dad went to Honduras, where there was a man who's 1 arm and 1 leg on one side of his body had been severed. He had been outside working and was electrocuted, causing the amputations. Dad came home and begin telling us about this man. Dad was able to be in service with a group of believers there and everyone worshipped The Lord, including this man. He couldn't clap like people that has 2 hands, nevertheless, he clapped. He couldn't dance like someone with 2 legs and feet could, yet he managed to dance, in a way, I'm sure was pleasing to The Lord. You see, he could be dead from that high voltage of electricity, but he's not. He could've chose to give up on God, yet he didn't. He chose to trust in the One who made him and to worship Him for what he does have.
As I was thinking about this, I got to wondering, what if we, with all of our limbs intact, begin to worship The Lord wholeheartedly? Would it stir the flame? Wouldn't it please The Lord? Then, in turn, spiritual satisfaction could be gained, because we worshipped Him with complete abandonment.
I have been guilty of going to church and just going with the same ole ritual. Not completely giving myself away. What can I do to better myself in the church, I ask? Begin to worship Him, as the gentlemen mentioned above did. Those of you that have both arms/hands and legs/feet, think on these things. How can you do better? Go into the house of Worship with only the thought of worshipping The Lord. Forget about yesterday, what happened today and what will happen tomorrow. Focus on Him, watch what He does. Begin to completely give yourself away in to worship Him. Then, you'll see a difference.
Who will join me in 2014, worshipping Him in complete abandonment?
“What is the use of praying if at the very moment of prayer, we have so little confidence in God that we are busy planning our own kind of answer to our prayer?” Written by Thomas Mertin
"Don't Worry, Be Happy"
Monday, January 6, 2014
URGENT Need in Belize for Passenger Buses and Vans!!!
In the last service of the old year a vision of revival was cast for the Apostolic Pentecostal Church of Belize for 2014. It is a vision of revival and nationwide church growth and development with a push toward evangelism to be implemented like never before. With many previously closed doors suddenly opening wide in the last few months, it would appear that the field is most certainly white unto harvest! In villages and communities where there has previously been no openness to the Gospel, opportunities are presenting themselves and converts are being made.
However, revival is not without hindrances. In Belize, one of the greatest of these is transportation problems. Because of the horrible road conditions a short journey of only 10 or 15 miles may take 45 minutes or longer. Along with the excessive travel times, the wear and tear on vehicles is extreme. Imagine driving your vehicle for 20 miles in stop and go traffic and you have some understanding of the amount of damage caused by only 1 mile of travel in Belize.
Repairs are made weekly and, sometimes, almost daily on any one of the handful of vehicles available for transporting souls from their homes to Church services. And although the burden of spending thousands of dollars a month in repairs on rapidly decaying vehicles is taxing it does not weigh as heavily on the heart as the fact that often people cannot be brought to service because of frequent, sudden vehicle failures. As a result, people are left on the side of the road waiting for a ride to Church that never arrives. With the overwhelming amount of time, effort and resources that goes in to trying to win each convert, it is heartbreaking to know that a lack of transportation hinders them from being able to come to the House of God.
WE ARE IN URGENT NEED of passenger vans and buses that would meet a few small specifications:
- Age is not important but millage is.
- Diesel buses are needed while either diesel or gasoline vans would be useful.
- Small and large buses are needed but not the “shuttle bus” style because of durability issues.
It is our earnest desire to see Belizeans well represented in the Kingdom of God when our Saviour comes again to gather His Church. Can you help us bring them through the Door of the Kingdom by helping us bring them through the door of the local Church?
Please contact us today if you are able to help meet this most urgent need.
You can send monetary support through Paypal: timjoiner@juno.com
Checks can be sent to address below and earmarked for Bus or Van for Belize:
P.O. Box 745
Ball, LA 71405
In the last service of the old year a vision of revival was cast for the Apostolic Pentecostal Church of Belize for 2014. It is a vision of revival and nationwide church growth and development with a push toward evangelism to be implemented like never before. With many previously closed doors suddenly opening wide in the last few months, it would appear that the field is most certainly white unto harvest! In villages and communities where there has previously been no openness to the Gospel, opportunities are presenting themselves and converts are being made.
However, revival is not without hindrances. In Belize, one of the greatest of these is transportation problems. Because of the horrible road conditions a short journey of only 10 or 15 miles may take 45 minutes or longer. Along with the excessive travel times, the wear and tear on vehicles is extreme. Imagine driving your vehicle for 20 miles in stop and go traffic and you have some understanding of the amount of damage caused by only 1 mile of travel in Belize.
Repairs are made weekly and, sometimes, almost daily on any one of the handful of vehicles available for transporting souls from their homes to Church services. And although the burden of spending thousands of dollars a month in repairs on rapidly decaying vehicles is taxing it does not weigh as heavily on the heart as the fact that often people cannot be brought to service because of frequent, sudden vehicle failures. As a result, people are left on the side of the road waiting for a ride to Church that never arrives. With the overwhelming amount of time, effort and resources that goes in to trying to win each convert, it is heartbreaking to know that a lack of transportation hinders them from being able to come to the House of God.
WE ARE IN URGENT NEED of passenger vans and buses that would meet a few small specifications:
- Age is not important but millage is.
- Diesel buses are needed while either diesel or gasoline vans would be useful.
- Small and large buses are needed but not the “shuttle bus” style because of durability issues.
It is our earnest desire to see Belizeans well represented in the Kingdom of God when our Saviour comes again to gather His Church. Can you help us bring them through the Door of the Kingdom by helping us bring them through the door of the local Church?
Please contact us today if you are able to help meet this most urgent need.
You can send monetary support through Paypal: timjoiner@juno.com
Checks can be sent to address below and earmarked for Bus or Van for Belize:
P.O. Box 745
Ball, LA 71405
Friday, August 30, 2013
Prayer Changes Things
My dad sang the song that is my title for this blog post the other night at church. The lyrics really spoke to me. I will post them below, but please take the time to read through this first.
I wanted to share this part of my life with you that some may not know about. As most of you know, May 2012, I had a miscarriage when I was 4 months along, but what you might not know is, that in December 2012, I lost another one due to an ectopic pregnancy. This is a very dangerous pregnancy and can be fatal to the mother. My Doctor from the US told me to not even risk flying to the US for the procedure. The chance of it rupturing was very high, which in turn, causes hemorrhaging, leading to death if I could not be seen immediately. A very scary thought! I had 2 choices, stay here, have the procedure done and maybe never having a child again. (Here, if you are under and they wanted to remove something to "practice" on you, they would. This was in the papers from a woman this happened to.) Or, take the risk of flying and seeing someone who could properly take care of me, I chose the latter. ***
I'm not saying all of this because I want sympathy, but rather to send encouragement to someone else who may be going through something similar. Since I have gone through this, I have read where several friends and acquaintances have lost a baby as well.
I'm not saying it's always easy, because yes, I still have my emotional ups and downs. BUT what I am wanting to say is, when you are going through that emotional roller coaster and thinking, what am I going to do, then pray and think on these lyrics posted below, because PRAYER REALLY CHANGES THINGS!!! (ORACIAN EN REALIDAD CAMBIA LAS COSAS)
I wanted to share this part of my life with you that some may not know about. As most of you know, May 2012, I had a miscarriage when I was 4 months along, but what you might not know is, that in December 2012, I lost another one due to an ectopic pregnancy. This is a very dangerous pregnancy and can be fatal to the mother. My Doctor from the US told me to not even risk flying to the US for the procedure. The chance of it rupturing was very high, which in turn, causes hemorrhaging, leading to death if I could not be seen immediately. A very scary thought! I had 2 choices, stay here, have the procedure done and maybe never having a child again. (Here, if you are under and they wanted to remove something to "practice" on you, they would. This was in the papers from a woman this happened to.) Or, take the risk of flying and seeing someone who could properly take care of me, I chose the latter. ***
I'm not saying all of this because I want sympathy, but rather to send encouragement to someone else who may be going through something similar. Since I have gone through this, I have read where several friends and acquaintances have lost a baby as well.
I'm not saying it's always easy, because yes, I still have my emotional ups and downs. BUT what I am wanting to say is, when you are going through that emotional roller coaster and thinking, what am I going to do, then pray and think on these lyrics posted below, because PRAYER REALLY CHANGES THINGS!!! (ORACIAN EN REALIDAD CAMBIA LAS COSAS)
I know what sadness is; I’ve had my share.
I know what gladness is; cause I’ve been there.
I know the peace and joy my God can bring.
Down on my knees I’ve learned what really changes things.
The only way to God is earnest prayer.
Just breath that Holy Name and He’ll be there.
He knows the grief we bear and knows our every need in prayer.
Just take it to the Lord, prayer changes things.
I know just how it feels to really believe I’m alone
when sorrow has no end and all hope seems gone.
I turned my eyes to Him, and new strength I gained,
and it’s then again I learned what really changes things.
The only way to God is earnest prayer.
Just breath that Holy Name and He’ll be there.
He knows the grief we bear and knows our every need in prayer.
Just take it to the Lord, prayer changes things.
Just take it to the Lord, prayer changes things.
"Don't Worry, Be Happy"
***The clinic I go to here has very professional doctors. I go to the US under their recommendation. Due to the more up to date technology, I go in for any major medical visits.***
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